Sandra Guido Sánchez

Board Member

Sandra Guido Sánchez is a biologist with a Master's Degree in Oceanology. Since 1990, she has been actively involved in the environmental sector. Pioneer of numerous environmental movements, she has coordinated networks, alliances of environmental organizations, multi-sector and business groups and rural communities, both at the local, State and Northwest levels. This connection has shaped a different vision of environmental issues and the role of society in their solution.

Since 2008, Sandra has been the Executive Director of Conselva, Costas y Comunidades, A. C., an association she founded to address one of the most urgent challenges for Sinaloa, which is water security in the context of climate change. Conselva focuses on the construction of technically supported and socially validated solutions that can be implemented through public policies. Conselva's achievements earned her a special mention in the 2016 ECOLOGICAL MERIT AWARD and she obtained the SINALOA ECOLOGICAL MERIT AWARD 2020. Recently, she was selected as Citizen of the Year by Fundación Azteca.

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G. Michael Sutton


Elle Shafer