Chris Baillie
Eastern North Carolina Resilience Coordinator
Chris serves as the Resilience Coordinator for the Eastern North Carolina Sentinel Landscape (ENCSL) Partnership, a partnership comprised of over forty federal and state agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and private sector partners. In this role, Chris supports the ENCSL Partnership’s partners and collaborator to conceptualize and implement projects and initiative that enhance the resiliency of the ENCSL’s anchor military installations, defense supporting communities, working land economies, and natural resources.
Chris is originally from Durham, North Carolina, and holds a Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology from Northeastern University and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chris’ expertise spans ecological restoration, natural resource conservation and management, and climate solutions. Chris has authored nineteen peer-review publications and has led or co-led the development of multiple strategic plans focused on habitat restoration, natural resource management, and policy.
Chris is an avid outdoorsperson. In his personal time, Chris spends as much time as possible on the water and in the field, passions that give him a deep personal connection to the conservation and natural resource enhancement missions of the Partnership he serves.
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