Self Healing Communities
Following the tragic death of Marlon Brumfield and other youth in Lompoc in 2018, Yasmin Dawson and Cozy Blow co-founded Collective Cultures Creating Change (C4) Lompoc as a non-profit organization committed to reducing violence, improving outcomes for youth and catalyzing systemic change in Lompoc.

City of Goleta Ellwood Mesa
The City of Goleta’s Parks and Open Space Division invited LegacyWorks Group to help them unveil their efforts to restore the monarch butterfly habitat at Ellwood Mesa. To ensure the community is aware of the remarkable amount of work that’s been done and the science behind the plan, our team is synthesizing years of community input, research, and planning into simple, clear messages and stories.

Resilient Santa Barbara County (RSBC), PACEs Connection and Network of Care
Resilient Santa Barbara County (SBC) is a countywide network dedicated to preventing and reducing the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Santa Barbara County. It is overseen by the ACEs Steering Committee, a group of volunteers who are shaping the vision, purpose, principles and objectives of this emerging network.

Network of Care and FindHelp
The LegacyWorks team worked alongside Cottage Health to help provide support for community organizations to implement FindHelp. FindHelp is the platform chosen by the Network of Care to implement a standardized referral system and resource directory throughout the county social sector.

Library Ad Hoc Committee Facilitation
The Santa Barbara County Library Ad Hoc Committee was established by the Board of Supervisors to find a sustainable and equitable model for county libraries. Members of the committee include two County Supervisors, four Library Directors, one member of a library Friends group, one Library Advisory Committee member, and the Director of the County Community Services Department.

Prescribed Herbivory
Prescribed herbivory and grazing is a unique tool that can reduce fire fuels, create mosaics of open space in thick brush, reduce invasive species, improve soils and native habitat, and reduce the risk of high-severity fires.

Indigenous Cultural Burning Practices
Indigenous people traditionally used low intensity fire to shape landscapes, ensure the abundance of culturally important plants, create clearings for wildlife and open understories for access to foraging areas. Today, Good Fire has functionally been removed from our landscape due to the loss of cultural burning traditions combined with more than 100 years of aggressive fire suppression.

Goleta Riparian Corridor Wildfire Risk Reduction & Restoration Project
The Goleta Riparian Corridor Wildfire Risk Reduction & Restoration Project was funded by a California Coastal Conservancy Grant and builds on initial planning work by the Environmental Defense Center that identified wildfire risks and restoration opportunities in numerous sites within twelve watersheds.

Wildfire Resilience Collaborative
Santa Barbara is rich in natural communities that are specifically adapted to its Mediterranean weather patterns. These include coastal scrub, chaparral and foothill woodland plant communities, some of the world's most imperiled ecosystems.

SBC Conservation Blueprint Facilitation and Project Design
In 2015, LegacyWorks was engaged by the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County and its partners to develop a strategy for creating a report on the community’s natural resources and an online mapping portal to enable us to proactively conserve natural resources.

CEC Resilience Roundtables
Together with the Community Environmental Council (CEC) and a robust steering committee, LegacyWorks co-designed and facilitated a series of multi-stakeholder Resilience Roundtables.