Santa Barbara County Community Dashboard
The Santa Barbara County Community Dashboard is a community-led, online platform designed to provide a comprehensive view of key indicators impacting the wellbeing of Santa Barbara County.

Teton Community Wellbeing Dashboard
Jackson The Teton Community Wellbeing Dashboard, a community-led project initiated in 2023, is a collaborative initiative facilitated and stewarded by LegacyWorks Group in partnership with over 70 organizations in Teton County, WY. The dashboard depends on the contributions of these partners and funders to make this shared community resource possible. ...

Wastewater Surveillance Dashboard
During 2020-2021, LegacyWorks partnered with Santa Barbara County to develop the Community Data Dashboard to provide residents and leaders with timely access to trustworthy data on COVID-19. In 2022 our partnership expanded COVID-19 monitoring and reporting through implementing wastewater surveillance.

Community Wellbeing Dashboard
Last year we partnered with the Santa Barbara County CEO’s Office and six County departments to develop and launch a Community Wellbeing Dashboard that reports on an array of metrics across nine key focus areas. Together we developed a community wellbeing framework that allows us to identify and report on key factors that contribute to community wellness, creating a tool to inform decision making and track progress over time.

Wildfire Incident Dashboard
In consultation with diverse stakeholder groups, including Santa Barbara County Fire and community stakeholders, the LegacyWorks team developed a Wildfire Incident Dashboard prototype.

SBC Water Quality Dashboard
Our Santa Barbara team has the great pleasure of living and working in the Santa Barbara region, while also interfacing with our teams working in the northern Rockies and in southern Baja California Sur. While far apart, all the communities we work with are facing the worst drought in the historical record, exacerbating long term challenges around water quality and water supply. Frustratingly, it can be remarkably difficult to get straightforward data on the state of our water.

Collaborative Community Dashboard
True to our mission to help organizations collaborate on critical challenges that no single agency can tackle on their own, LegacyWorks Santa Barbara facilitated a public-private partnership and launched a countywide COVID-19 Data Dashboard.